About Tvtalks.in

Media and Television, TV Talks is online information and interactive service focusing on the Indian Television and Media business. Making it India's most widely read online Media, Advertising and Marketing.
Apart from conceiving and executing promotional campaigns targeted at the Media, Marketing & Television Trade online, it also offers similar services offline, thus providing clients with a 360 degree media service and marketing solution.
TvTalks.in The exclusive peppery online destination for the hottest news on TV shows, spicy gossips and much more.

TV Talks has enjoyed a special place in the hearts of television fans across the globe.

This light-hearted, easy-read, entertaining and naughty website focuses on the ultimate TV as well as the entertainment industry. A host of addictive, fun sections like Quickie, Guess Who, Gossip, Spot the Difference, Did You Know et al ensure that it remains a welcome diversion for everyone who enjoys television.

he latest news, snippets and videos add to the wealth of this ever growing website.

It's a site that never sleeps and is updated daily. tvtalks.in